Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chain of Command Germans Cancon 2015

Chain of Command German Osttruppen Heer Cancon 2015

Osttrupen - Mainly Elderly Germans and Ukrainians.
642nd East Battalion (reserve) defended behind the coast while the main force resisted at Sword.



They were part of 736th regiment.


3,000 men

It was part of the 716th Infantry Division.


8,000 men
(One Division, Two regiments, 6 battalions?)

Artillery support was provided by the 1716th Artillery Division.

What does static mean?
Static (bodenständige)
Deficient in transport, even enough to move its own artillery. Many of these were divisions that had been mauled on the Russian Front and were sent west to serve as coastal defense garrisons until sufficient resources were available to rehabilitate them.

Likely numbers of Osttruppen:
A new divisional organization was introduced in October 1943; referred to as the M1944 Division, it called for 11,317 German personnel and 1,455 auxiliaries (the Hilfwilliger, or volunteers from captured Russian personnel). The division was 28% leaner in terms of personnel, but again had a slight increase in firepower.

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