The time has come for the Crown of Lochac to choose the next territorial Baron and/or Baroness of Politarchopolis. By law and custom, they will consult the populace.
You may attend a "Meet the Candidates" gathering held between 7 pm and 8.30 pm on 11th of September 2013 at Ainslie Scout Hall (on the corner of Ebden Street & Hassell Street Ainslie, Canberra, 2606)
The Crown will gather your written opinions from the 15th to the 29th of September 2013. The preferred method is a polling software webpage. For those who have difficulty with this, a paper form will be made available at the Candidates night. All opinions offered to the Crown via this poll will only be seen by the Crown.
THIS IS NOT A VOTE. It is a gathering of opinion.
On the weekend of the 4th of October, the Crown will announce their decision.
Sir Ysambart (Bart Beswick)
Between 9 am and 9 pm, you can text me on 0407 962 774 and I will try and call you back that evening. I can also be contacted via email
What has he got to do with it?
The Crown appoints a person to run the process. The group seneschal is usually chosen. In this case, the group seneschal is a candidate, and is thus excluded. Sir Ysambart ran the last Baronial process, and was found to be an acceptable person by the Crown.
1) Lord Paidin MacLorkan and Lady Ysemae Whitewood of Blackwood
2) Master Crispin Sexi and Dame Joan Sutton
3) Lord Alexander a la Fontayne and Lady Elizabeth Beaumont
4) Lord Semyon Aleksandrovitch Drakon
5) Maitresse Kiriel du Papillon and Lord Sveinn inn kyrri Grimsson
6) Sir Kitan von Falkenburg and Baroness Alesia de Cheval Blanc
7) Lady Anne de Tournai
11th of September 2013: Meet the Candidates
15th - 29th of September 2013: Polling Period
4th - 5th of October 2013: Spring War/Great Southern Gathering: Announce
A "Meet the Candidates" gathering will be held between 7 pm and 8.30 pm on 11th of September 2013 at Ainslie Scout Hall (on the corner of Ebden Street & Hassell Street Ainslie, Canberra, 2606).
Each candidate group will be given at most seven minutes to address the crowd with a set speech. This will take a little under an hour. The remaining time will be given over to questions. First priority will be questions with notice. If we have time, some questions will be taken from the floor. Sir Ysambart will be MC of the proceedings. Any questions you wish to lodge should be given to Sir Ysambart well before the evening.
This following will be observed so candidates can be free and frank: The proceedings WILL NOT be video taped, & the current Baron and Baroness will not be present.
Paper polling forms will be available on the night.
If you have questions for the candidates, please feel free to ask them. Candidates: Please provide Sir Ysambart with your best two methods of contact. These will be published on the internet soon.
From the 15th - 29th of September 2013 polling shall be open.
From the "Meet the Candidates" gathering on-wards, the URL of the polling software webpage will be distributed. You will have the opportunity to rank the candidates in order, and make comment. A paper copy will be available, and the PO Box address included. The PO Box will be cleared on the morning of the 30th of September.
All opinions offered to the Crown via this poll will only be seen by the Crown.
Over the weekend of the 4th - 5th of October 2013 at Spring War and Great Southern Gathering the Crown will announce the result of the process.
CORPORA V.A.1. states:
“The Crown shall appoint a territorial Baron and/or Baroness according to the laws and customs
of the kingdom ...whenever a new Baron and/or
Baroness is required."
"The barony’s opinion on the matter must be requested and received in
writing, and the appointments must not be substantively opposed by the populace of the barony.
Territorial Barons and Baronesses are officers and must maintain appropriate membership status.”
LOCHAC LAW states:
IV.7 Territorial Barons and Baronesses
IV.7.i Appointment
The Crown shall appoint as Baron and/or Baroness those individual(s) deemed most fit to
represent the Royal presence in the Barony. The Crown shall give consideration to the wishes of
the populace of the barony and the advice of the reigning Baron and/or Baroness before making such an appointment.
The link to the electronic poll (currently closed):
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